Blog Post

[Off-Topic] Looking Beyond the Technology


I've been quiet as of late, pretty much ever since i went to Bethany Summer Youth Camp (BSYC) as a leader of the sports evangelism team (using soccer to reach kids). This is something Thomas LaRock pointed out in his latest rankings, which are a great place to find some really quality SQL Server bloggers to follow. He did so in a tongue-in-cheek style, reflecting that real life does come into play. But point taken that I haven't been blogging much lately. I needed the prod to start writing again. So I decided to start by what's been on my mind and work my way back into technology related posts, especially those about SQL Server.

One of the reasons I've been so quiet is due to my experiences at BSYC. At the camp I went back and worked in one of the communities I worked in last summer. And once again, I left feeling like there is more that needed to be done than a one week camp. I'm still thinking about what to do and how to do it. I have friends in that area now that can help, who will help, but it's more of a soul searching on my part to see what's next. As I've been thinking about it, I've been reminded me of a blog post I read a couple of years ago. It's not on-line any longer where it was, but thankfully, there's the Internet Archive. Here's the archived blog post:

  Headed to Uganda

For those of us who work in technology, we tend to have it good, real good. We usually are at the upper end of the pay scale and we're typically talking about tinkering with new technologies and debating the merits of that technology. We don't think about things like "power and hot water" because we accept those as givens in our lives. It typically takes something sudden and dramatic to help us realize once again that not everyone has it like we do. And that we can do something about it. You don't have to be like Johnny Long and go out to Africa for a year with the family. If that's what you feel compelled to do, then by all means, do it, but there's plenty to be done all around us. For instance, consider that here in the United States, a recent report cited that 1 in 50 (2%) children are homeless each year.

And it's not just about money, either. I was thinking about that while watching the homerun hitting competition at the all-star game. That was a lot of money that was donated. But more often than not, people are needed. What we did at BSYC didn't require a lot of money. But to reach those kids we ministered to, to show them they mattered, that required people. I had a great group of youth that cared and extended their love through the ministry. To them I'll be eternally grateful. So if money isn't something you have in abundance right now, perhaps you can spare some time. The personal touch often means a whole lot more than a couple of dollars thrown someone's way.

And with that, I'll get off my soapbox.




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