Blog Post

Magnify SQL Text with SSMS 2012


This is just a quick tip to help with folks who present SQL code at events such as SQL Saturday. While most presenters use tools like ZoomIt (which if you present, please please learn to use this wonderful, free tool) sometimes it can get nauseating for attendees to watch you constantly zooming in and out, especially on code.

A quick way around this is by using the magnification feature in SQL Server Management Studio 2012. To do this simply hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and with your mouse scroll the mouse wheel up to increase the magnification and scroll down to decrease it.  Alternatively you can simply click on the magnification dropdown, which is located at the bottom left of the query window (by default) and select your desired level of magnification.

That’s it! Now you can quickly magnify your code to make it easier for your audience to see and you can reserve the zooming to highlight other areas as needed.



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