Blog Post

ISJSON() restriction in T-SQL 2016


Have a database on SQL Server 2016 instance with an In-Memory file group so that you can create tables with the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED option set to ON. Like in the example below

CREATE TABLE dbo.People (  Id int primary key nonclustered,  InfoJson nvarchar(max) -- nvarchar(1000), nvarchar(100) ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED=ON)
try to create the next constraint
--constraint ALTER TABLE dbo.People ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_People_InfoJason]  CHECK ( ISJSON( InfoJson )> 0 )
you'll end up with the following error message
Msg 10794, Level 16, State 95, Line 10The function 'isjson' is not supported with memory optimized tables.
This tip is about the  ISJASON() function that is not currently possible to apply on memory optimized tables in a check constraint.
I set a "Question of the Day" on about it. You can find the discussion here


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