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How we can determine table column dependencies within a SQL database?


I came a situation during some analysis where i had to figure out all dependency of a column across database. This also required when we do some changes on table columns and wanted to know the impact of such changes. One way is that  we can use SYSCOMMENTS table.  It is a table which contains entries for each views, rules, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedure. The column TEXT in the syscomments table contains the actual code for all these objects, and knowing it you can write a code to check the dependencies. I am explaining different approach.

/* Table Name for which we need to find the dependency of columns.*/

Declare @TableNamevarchar(max)='tblSupplierRequestOrder'

/* Column name for which we need to find the dependnecy in a database*/

Declare @ColumnNamevarchar(max)='OrderDate'

select  OBJECT_NAME(k.parent_object_id) as parentTableName

          , as parentColumn

          , OBJECT_NAME(k.referenced_object_id)as referencedTableName

          , as referencedColumn

    from    sys.foreign_keys k

            innerjoin sys.foreign_key_columnsf

              on  f.parent_object_id = k.parent_object_id

            innerjoin sys.columns c1

              on  c1.column_id = f.parent_column_id

              andc1.object_id = k.parent_object_id

            innerjoin sys.columns c2

              on  c2.column_id = f.referenced_column_id

              andc2.object_id = k.referenced_object_id

    where = @ColumnName

    and     OBJECT_NAME(k.referenced_object_id)=@TableName


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