Blog Post

Houston TechFest UG Leadership Summit


At the Houston TechFest 2011 Conference at the University of Houston I will be hosting a User Group Leadership Summit at NOON as part of the "Advanced" track.

I invite anyone current involved with a local .net, IT Pro, SQL Server, Sharepoint, or any other user group, in any region, to attend.

We will have an open forum for discussion with voted topics, I will merely introduce myself and proctor and nothing more.

This will be my second year going to the Houston TechFest, and last year (though I spoke in the last slot - some time in the early evening, in a hot, dim, sleepy room) was a blast.  I was very impressed with the crowd, the speakers, and the vendors and I am looking forward to seeing them all again.  As part of the committee that runs SQL Saturday Baton Rouge each year (#17, #28, #64 and again 2012 as well) I took some pointers from it.  HTF is definitely a wider diversity of technologies and topics, but not something that a SQL Saturday can't hope to be.

I will be making the road trip to Houston with more than a dozen of my coworkers for the event, and I will be joined in speakers shirts by three of my coworkers: Ryan Richard, Mike Huguet and Kerry Huguet.  I will be presenting on "SQL Server Best Practices with DMVs" at 2:30pm in the SQL Server track.


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