Blog Post

HDInsight: Trying again


And I thought this would be so easy.

Latest attempt. I just did an uninstall of HDInsight. Then I found all the Hadoop folders on the drive and removed them. I validated that there were no services left running or anything else that might interfere with a fresh install. Then, I rebooted the server (have you tried turning it off and on again?). After all that, I tried rerunning the HDInsight Community Preview. This time I ran it as an administrator on the system, even though I already am logged in as one. Paranoia at every step is my new approach since there have been no errors until I try to turn the silly thing on.

And the install went perfectly. I can see two folders, Hadoop and HadoopFeaturePackSetup. Last time there was a third folder HadoopInstall or something like that. This doesn’t bode well. Let me check the services. Nope. I can’t see anything added. Crud. So, I try the powershell command anyway, just to see what I’ll get. It’s a new error, which is nice:

Join-Path : Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘Path’ because it is null.

At C:\hadoop\start-onebox.ps1:2 char:23

+ $start_cmd = Join-Path <<<< $env:ISOTOPEJS_HOME “bin/start_daemons.cmd”;

+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Join-Path], ParameterBindingValidationException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.JoinPathCom


Crud. My assumption is, I’m doing something wrong. I just can’t figure out what. Lots of searching later, I think I may have found the issue. I’ve been trying to install this on my local server that I use for lots of my tests because it’s a physical box that I can access on the road. It’s also a domain controller. I finally tracked down this thread on Microsoft’s forums. Great. OK. Next step, setting up a virtual server. May as well make it Windows 2012 while I’m at it. More to come when I get past this hurdle. Oy.


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