Blog Post

February Question: If you weren’t a DBA, what would you like to do?


Sometimes its fun to think of what career you might have chosen if you hadn’t become a DBA. With this in mind, this month’s qustion is “If you weren’t a DBA, what would you like to do?” Tell us what careers you considered before becoming a DBA, including any crazy ones, such as becoming an actor, write, or Intenet tycoon. Use your imagination and have some fun with your response.

Post your responses to the SQL Server Question of the Month in the comments section below (at if you are viewing this from a syndicated newsfeed). And don’t forget to enter your e-mail address when you post your response, so I can contact you if you win.

Because there is no right or wrong answer, this month’s winner will be selected randomly from all the entries that are received.

This Month’s Prizes

SQL Virtual Restore

The prizes this month are an voucher worth US $50.00 and a license for SQL Virtual Restore with one year of support and upgrades. SQL Virtual Restore lets you mount your backups as live, fully functional databases – relieving 8 common causes of DBA Pain. Find out how.


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