Blog Post



If you’re already a MidnightDBA Groupie, then you’ve probably already heard about my fabulous inspiration: a new SQL community podcast!  Now it’s time to get this started.

The Midnight Association for SQL Server-cast (MASScast for short) will be a weekly podcast featuring community news, event reviews, tech tips and short sessions, and whatever else we feel like.  In short, I want to make the podcast that I’ve been wanting to hear: stuff that matters to our big circle of admins and devs and conference-goers and Twitterers and whatnot.

I’ll edit and host, but this will be a MUCH richer podcast if it’s made up mostly of content from you guys.  So here are da rulz:

Da Rulz

  1. Committment: None.  Be a one-timer if you like, or submit every week.
  2. Format: Submit an MP3 or WAV recording of about 5-30 minutes to  Original work only, please.  Start your recording with this (or something like it):

              “This is <your name>, and you can find me at <Twitter handle or blog or website>.” 

  3. Topics can be anything SQL Server-related 0r -adjacent.  If you need ideas, write me. If you have ideas you want to vet first, write me.
  4. Acceptance: I’m not going to guarantee that your submission will be published. Most likely if you go to the trouble to record, I will…but we may have to turn down submissions with, for example, profanity (we’re keeping a PG rating), really poor audio quality, excessive product pimping (just clear it with us first), etc.
  5. Ownership: Submitted content remains all yours, but the recording itself will be creative commons licensed under the MidnightDBA brand…meaning we’ll allow anyone to link and reuse the recording for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, as long as it’s attributed to us (and you).

Any additional comments or ideas, PLEASE submit a comment below. Also, we need artwork. We need a 300×300 (or larger) square JPG or PNG image that just screams “MASScast”. Who’s up for it?

Finally, I don’t have a start date yet, but I’m tentatively scheduling this for “summer”. It will largely depend on the level of participation we get. So let’s get this started, people!

Happy days,



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