Blog Post

Argenis and the unicorn hoodie


Early yesterday Kirsten Benzel(b/t) announced something very exciting, at least exciting to me. Argenis Fernandez(b/t) has agreed to wear a unicorn hoodie to the 2014 Pass Summit.

Why is this exciting? A number of months ago Kirsten photo-shopped Argenis into this self same hoodie. It was one of the funniest things I’d seen in awhile. And we now have a chance to see it for real! So why would Argenis do this? For a very good cause. He will only wear this awesome hoodie if we can collect $5000 for Doctors without borders. At the time I’m writing this (last night now) the total was already up to $1895 or over a third of the way there.

Now some of you may have never met Argenis. I consider myself lucky to have done so. He was my first timers mentor when I went to the Summit for the first (and only so far) time a few years ago. While there I saw a presentation by him about sysinternals and was frankly amazed at some of the things he could do. He later very kindly reviewed and edited my first article on SSC. Which in fact was my first writing project ever. He is a nice guy and a lot of fun to talk to on twitter if you get a chance. He is also a newly minted SQL Server MVP (Congrats Argenis if I didn’t get to say it earlier).

Doctors without boarders is also an excellent cause. These doctors provide medical help for those who need it throughout the world and deserve our help.

I’m not going to get to go to the Summit this year so I’ll only get to see this through pictures but I’m promised there will be LOTs of pictures. So please help Argenis reach his goal and wear his hoodie. Did I mention it has a TAIL?!?


Filed under: DBA Humor, Microsoft SQL Server, Pass Tagged: #sqlfamily, Humor, Pass


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