Email Formatted HTML Table with T-SQL
Create a professional looking HTML table from T-SQL, not SSRS.
2015-08-31 (first published: 2013-06-20)
32,283 reads
Create a professional looking HTML table from T-SQL, not SSRS.
2015-08-31 (first published: 2013-06-20)
32,283 reads
A new article from Steve Moore shows us how to use SQL Server Management Studio with your SQL Azure databases in the cloud.
6,265 reads
Have you ever received an XML file from someone to import into SQL Server? It's not as easy as you might expect, especially in SQL Server 2000. New author Steve Moore brings us an article and code on how to do just that.
2007-11-23 (first published: 2006-02-15)
38,239 reads
By Patrick
SQL Server Audit is an efficient way to track and log events that occur...
I presented at SQL Saturday Pittshburgh this past weekend about populating your data warehouse...
By Steve Jones
A customer was asking recently about the RPO for their estate, and I showed...
Hi all, I'm on a sql server 2019 standard edition (15.0.4375.4) where I've a...
Dear All, I am facing issue when update my license SRSS 2022 from...
Hey all, Just wondering how do you guys / girls set up git repo(s)...
CREATE TABLE t0 ( id INT PRIMARY KEY , field1 VARCHAR(1000) , field2 VARCHAR(MAX)); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT gs.value , REPLICATE ('X', 1000) , REPLICATE ('Y', 1000) FROM generate_series(1, 10, 1) gs; GO
select STRING_AGG(field1, ';') within group (order by id) from t0;
select STRING_AGG(field2, ';') within group (order by id) from t0;