Truncating tables with constraints always had been a pain, since we have to drop and recreate all the FKs. I created a script that takes care of dropping and recreating the foreign keys while truncating. Please use with caution! and always respect your Data !
2016-12-01 (first published: 2016-11-28)
1,319 reads
Script to quickly check the drive space utilization.
2016-09-20 (first published: 2016-08-17)
1,011 reads
Monitoring space in production server is one of the top priority tasks for a DBA. This script will automate it
2011-04-19 (first published: 2009-05-28)
6,083 reads
There are times when maintenance plan is too simple to do the job, and SSIS is unreachable for you. Here is a simple stored procedure to help you.
2009-11-05 (first published: 2009-10-09)
1,518 reads
If you are not the only one who takes care of the backups, knowing the backups taken recently is very crucial for a production DBA.
2009-07-01 (first published: 2009-06-19)
2,344 reads