Creates a printable report of all stored procedures, views, triggers and user-defined functions that reference any of the tables passed into the procedure.Wrote this to easily list items affected by table changes when working in a fast-paced development environment developing a shrink wrapped product undergoing many schema changes.Split function is listed after sp definintion
2007-10-23 (first published: 2005-07-27)
3,297 reads
This procedure produces a formatted report to list which tables, views and table functions have a column of the specified name. This is particularly useful in systems that do not enforce referential integrity or when schema changes are being evaluated.
2007-10-22 (first published: 2007-07-19)
4,141 reads
When changing schema or modifying an application it is often necessary to determine when a column from a specific table is used. This procedure produces a formatted report (when outputting from query analyzer or management studio in text mode) that specifies all of the procedures, views, functions and triggers that use the designated table.column.
2007-10-10 (first published: 2007-07-19)
7,387 reads
This function allows you to calculate the distance in miles or kilometers between any two points on the earth. I created to calculate the distance between two zip codes but is can be used for any two coordinates for which latitude and longitude is known.NOTE: A database for the coordinates of any US postal code […]
2006-04-25 (first published: 2006-04-12)
1,258 reads
Calculates the next business day based upon the work weeklength, number of days from the start date and a list of holiday dates kept in a table called HolidayDate.Created this script for determining the next banking day from 2 days after a request for wiring funds. Can be used for things like calculating shipping dates […]
2006-01-19 (first published: 2005-07-16)
1,516 reads
Pads a string on either with either leading or trailing characters. You specify the direction, the tolal string length and the character to pad with.Error conditions return null
2005-08-19 (first published: 2005-08-10)
2,039 reads