Simple job script to cycle the SQL Log ever 24 hoursThe job is set to disabled as you should review any script that creates a job before enabling it on your server.
2006-03-06 (first published: 2004-10-29)
1,016 reads
The following runable script is a very simple way to track SPID's and PROCESS information (VERY BASIC) in a small target (Local) database.1. Creates a small database 1.1 must set MDF and LDF (File location information) specific to the drive and file folder locations for each server2. Sets All db options3. Creates single table to […]
2005-01-14 (first published: 2005-01-04)
211 reads
Simple script (alterable as needed) to verify existence of a file and execute a job if the return result = 1 (true)
2004-12-08 (first published: 2004-10-29)
127 reads