Technical Article

Script to create a standby database server(V 3.0)

Use this script to create a warm standby database server for all your user database. This new version has a new feature to allow the standby database to be in a ready-only mode so that users can access it. You can change the job schedule to suit your requirement. One bug has been fixed that […]

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288 reads

Technical Article

Script to create a standby database server(new).

New feature to relocate files on the secondary server has been added to this script. If you don't need this feature please use my other script that is posted on this website.Run this script on a secondary SQL Server to replicate the data of all the user databases from the primary server every 15 minutes. […]

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292 reads

Technical Article

Script to montior ErrorLogs every 3 hours.

This script monitors your errorlogs every 3 hours for the past 3 hours. It notifies you by email for all types of errors and by pager for all critical errors with severity type > 16. Saves lot of time when you have to monitor several servers every day 24x7. Run this script on a dedicated […]

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1,188 reads

Technical Article

Script to create a standby database server.

This script will do a full backup and transaction log backup of all the user database on the primary server and restore it over to the secondary server. The full backup/restore runs once every day and the transaction log backup/restore runs every minutes. Just provide the name of the primary and the secondary server and […]

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493 reads

Technical Article

Concatenate Rows without a cursor

You might come accross a situation where you want to retrieve the values of all the rows concatenated and stored in one variable. Here is the solution. Lets say you have a table called tblCustomerOrders which has CustID and OrderID. You now want all the OrderIDs for a particular Customer to be stored in one […]

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Choosing to not drive the Tesla


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Advice I Like: Transactions and Relationships


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Free PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring with pgNow


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Mixed Backups

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Mixed Backups

Or condition in where clause works differently in MS SQL comparing with Sybase

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Question of the Day

Mixed Backups

I have a complex database with a few filegroups and files. Can I run a backup command like this? (assume file/filegroup names are valid).

    FILE = N'thirdone'
 ,  FILE = N'thirdtwo'
 ,  FILEGROUP = N'second' 
 TO  DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQL2022\MSSQL\Backup\complex.bak' 
 WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'complex-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

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