2011-09-05 (first published: 2007-01-25)
3,840 reads
2011-09-05 (first published: 2007-01-25)
3,840 reads
To see the frequency of alerts in use, you can reset their fire count.
Restart count from zero for all alerts using the propre stored procedures.
2009-12-22 (first published: 2003-01-14)
467 reads
Books Online will try to connect to the net and it may get stuck if there is no internet connection.
2008-06-16 (first published: 2008-05-07)
424 reads
2007-12-21 (first published: 2007-10-25)
1,407 reads
-- The goal is to avoid the use of sp_start_job in an application. So we have the application use RAISERROR to activate the job.-- 1) because you can only start jobs you own-- 2) we don't want to open the cmdshell to everyone-- 3) we want control regarding jobs that run on our server.-- 4) […]
2007-05-31 (first published: 2004-01-21)
2,133 reads
In situations where FK's have been created using the "WITH NOCHECK" option you can get into troubles because the FK-data is not checked ! (so there may be invalid data in the FK-column !)E.g. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[mytable] WITH NOCHECK add constraint [FK__USED_RESO__Actio__1162CF5F] FOREIGN KEY ( Action_Type ) REFERENCES [dbo].[Action_Types] ( Action_Type ) BOL states "... […]
2007-05-29 (first published: 2006-10-09)
533 reads
Once devs are pushed toward using parameters, they get confused as to why their sp is not reused and has many compilations when in use.The reason is most of the time, that the parameters are defined with a wrong datatypemapping in the application or have different datatypes in a # of applications.I use this proc […]
2006-02-16 (first published: 2006-02-06)
294 reads
Some of my developers had created jobs that executed VB applications that never ended. Aparently they could not figure out when, why and what was going wrong. They could not repro the situation.Now I've created this litle system so the users can assign max elaps times for their jobs. These jobs will then be intercepted […]
470 reads
By Steve Jones
I started a short thread on Twitter/X and Bluesky recently after leaving the Tesla...
By Steve Jones
Life gets better as you replace transactions with relationships. – from Excellent Advice for...
I’ve been putting together a new PostgreSQL session called “Performance Monitoring for the Absolute...
Wonderful afternoon every person, it's season towards dive again into the mailbag and resolution...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Limits, Not Goals
MS SQL Server/SSMS are my tools. As my project evolves I find I need...
What is the precision, length, and scale for an int variable?
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