Anthony Nocentino

Anthony Nocentino is the founder of Centino Systems. As an Enterprise Architect he works with clients to find right technology for their business, designing and deploying it, providing expertise on system performance and architecture. Creating well-designed, maintainable SQL Server and Linux based systems that enable clients to collect meaningful data that they can act upon. Anthony has a Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science and is working towards a Ph.D focusing on high performance/low latency data access algorithms on solid state disks. Anthony has a unique blend of academic and professional experience leveraged to help customers solve their hardest IT problems.


Dynamically Unpivot columns in SQL


Picture this, your data ingestion team has created a table that has the sales...

Friday Basics: RPO and RTO


I did a post last month titled RTO and RPO are myths unless you've...

A New Word: ioia


ioia – n.the wish that you could see statistics overlaid on every person you...

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SQL Server Encrypt data into a file, send it and then decrypt

By GBeezy

First off, my apologies for what could potentially be a bad title! I am...

Table partitioning best practice

By JasonO

I've inherited a couple of rather large databases from my ex-colleague when I join...

Identifying Customer Buying Pattern in Power BI - Part 2

By Farooq Aziz

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Identifying Customer Buying Pattern in...

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Question of the Day

Finding Marks

I have marked a few transactions in my code. How can I find out which marks were stored in a transaction log?

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