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How to Track Down Deadlocks Using SQL Server 2005 Profiler

It is irritating, sometimes alarming, for the user to be confronted by the 'deadlock message' when a deadlock happens. It can be a tiresome business to prevent them from occurring in applications. Fortunately, the profiler can be used to help DBAs identify how deadlocking problems happen, and indicate the best way of minimising the likelihood of their reappearance.


5,295 reads

External Article

T-SQL Function to Determine Holidays in SQL Server

While working on a project recently I was asked to develop a mechanism that would provide the dates for state and federal holidays in a given year. Since this project deals with all states and territories of the United States, the list had to be comprehensive and the client asked that this list be in the form of a SQL query calculated on-the-fly, rather than a static list.


5,482 reads

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DML Trigger Status Alerts

When databases suddenly stop working, it can be for a number of different reasons. Human error plays a large part, of course, and the DBA needs to know what these various humans are up to. DDL triggers can help alert the DBA to unauthorized tampering with a production system, of course, but DDL triggers can't tell you everything. At some point, you will need to implement your own checks. Randy certainly reached that point!


2,971 reads


Migrate datetime data to datetimeoffset with AT TIME ZONE


I recently reviewed, worked on, and added a similar example to the DATETIMEOFFSET Microsoft...

The Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Your SQL DBA Skills


Database administrators (DBAs) are the backbone of data-driven organizations. If you're looking to break...

Friday Basics: Authentication vs. Authorization


Another security fundamentals topic is authentication versus authorization. For those who have a clear...

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The OS returned the error '(null)' while attempting 'DeleteFile' filestream.hdr

By lmarkum

I have a SQL Server 2019 Enterprise Edition on CU 25. It has in-memory...

Take Care

By Grant Fritchey

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By LearningDBA

Experts, I am learning some skills so I can troubleshoot some performance-related issues. I...

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Two Table Hints

What happens when I run this code:

, p.ProductCategory

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