SQLServerCentral Editorial

A Lifetime of Software


This editorial was originally published on April 27, 2012. It is being re-run as Steve is out of town.

I've been working with computers and software for most of my life, but it's been a career for a couple of decades now. I don't do as much technical work as I used to, mostly testing and experimenting, but my job is related to SQL Server and software, and I anticipate that's what I'll be doing for the next two decades.

However that's not necessarily the plan for everyone that works in the technology business. I know plenty of people that would like to move into management, or even move into some other career field if they can afford to do so. In the responses to many editorials in the past, I read that quite a few people think the technology business isn't a great choice and wouldn't encourage their children to enter this field.

I disagree, and think that this business has been very good to me, overall I've enjoyed it, and I think it would make a good career  for any of my kids. However this Friday I wanted to ask the rest of you what you think.

Do you expect to work in the technology field until you retire?

I know many of you will change your focus in technology, perhaps moving to develop from DBA, vice versa, or moving into another field. I know most of you will change companies before you retire, but I'm curious about whether you think you will remain a technology worker for the rest of the time you work.


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