SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Countdown


This is going to be so cool.

I heard about this over the summer, and it's quite possible that my jaw literally dropped when I was told. It was stunning, surprising, something that I never expected. Especially with the short lead-in talk I was given before the news. As Jes Borland (blog | @grrl_geek) might say, "Squeeeeeeeeeeee". It's exciting, and I can't say what it is yet. As I write this, I'm almost bouncing out of my seat from the excitement.

Come to the Red Gate booth at 10am

Come right after the keynote talk to hear the announcement. I am sure you'll be as shocked, then surprised, and then as excited as I am.

What could it be? Take your guess when you get the newsletter. If you're outside of the west coast, there's a good chance you'll get to guess what this could be. Need a hint? Hmmmm, what could I say that won't get me into trouble?

  • 50, years that is.
  • An amazing view
  • A touch of danger

That's about all I can say, at least that's all I feel comfortable saying. Take your guess, and I'll pick someone to send an Amazon GC over to sometime in the next week. You don't have to be right, but make me smile, laugh, or intrigue me. No insider entries allowed, but what could Red Gate be announcing? 

Tune in at 10, watch Twitter, or come back tomorrow and check out the editorial then.

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

The podcast feeds are available at sqlservercentral.mevio.com. Comments are definitely appreciated and wanted, and you can get feeds from there. Overall RSS Feed: or now on iTunes!

Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com.

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