SQLServerCentral Article

Transform your Winning team into a Champion Team

Businesses worldwide now operate on a team basis, and a high-performing team is crucial for high-performing organizations. Winning teams are more focused and better than regular teams. They focus on synergies and achieving significant results. They are an extension of regular teams with a higher sense of commitment to objectives and mutual purpose. Winning teams have a clear mission and achievable performance goals for each member, aiming for extraordinary goals. They are more committed to the vision and have a passion for achieving the mission. Winning teams work collaboratively to discover new work approaches, principles, and practices, focusing on decision-making, creative problem-solving, industry standards, and effective communication. They establish processes from beginning to end to complete tasks effectively. The difference between winning team and a regular team is very clear. However, what makes a winning team a champion team. This paper aims to provide valuable insights into the differentiating factors of a champion team from a winning one.

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Celebrate THEIR Accomplishments

I can't hide this in any way. I love it when I accomplish something. It's such a great feeling. Even more than that, I really do love getting some acknowledgement for it. Almost as good, is when I see others, especially friends and acquaintances, doing well. So many people I know, regularly just knock it […]


Denver Dev Day – Best Practices for Database Deployments Resources


I delivered a talk today on database deployment best practices at the Denver Dev...

A New Word: desanté


desanté – n. the brooding delirium of being sick, which makes time slow to...

What happens when we drop a column on a SQL Server table? Where's my space?


This article was initially posted on SQLServerCentral @ 2024-04-26. Short answer: The column is marked...

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On Being an "Expert"

By Grant Fritchey

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Advice: how to script out existing Azure (logical) SQL Server logins

By Stteb

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Abort Package after specified timeout project parameter

By Dave

Hi I have a sequence container which contains an execute package task which loads...

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Adding Hints with Query Store

I have a query that is being tracked in the SQL Server 2022 Query Store. I want to add a hint to this query to ensure that the MAXDOP for this query is one. How can I do this with minimal code changes

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