Stairway to DAX and Power BI

Stairway to DAX and Power BI - Level 9: Function / Iterator Function Pairs: The DAX MAX() and MAXX() Functions

As a part of his "Function / Iterator Pairs" mini-series, Business Intelligence architect, Analysis Services Maestro, SQL Server MVP, and author Bill Pearson introduces the DAX MAX() and MAXX() functions, discussing similarities and differences. He then provides some hands-on exposure to the use of each, particularly in combination with other DAX functions, in generating "largest numeric values" to meet differing needs within our PowerPivot model designs.

Stairway to DAX and Power BI

Stairway to DAX and Power BI Level 25: Time Intelligence – Dates Functions: The DAX CLOSINGBALANCE*() Functions

Business Intelligence Architect, Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces three similar DAX Time Intelligence functions related to Date: CLOSINGBALANCEMONTH(), CLOSINGBALANCEQUARTER(), and CLOSINGBALANCEYEAR(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.

External Article

Eager Aggregation in SQL queries

Aggregation is a widely used way to summarize the content of a database. It is usually expressed with GROUP BY clause or just using aggregate functions (like COUNT or SUM). When the database engine executes a query with aggregations, it produces individual rows need to compute the required output and then performs the aggregation as (almost) last step. We discuss in this article how to re-write a query manually so that the order of operations will be different and when it can be beneficial.

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Play To Your Strengths

I really enjoy playing with radios [ed: we know, you won't shut up about it]. Something as simple as checking in to a local net (basically saying hi to a bunch of people on the radio) is fun. However, there's so much more to it. In the last few weeks I've been testing a new […]


Denver Dev Day – Best Practices for Database Deployments Resources


I delivered a talk today on database deployment best practices at the Denver Dev...

A New Word: desanté


desanté – n. the brooding delirium of being sick, which makes time slow to...

What happens when we drop a column on a SQL Server table? Where's my space?


This article was initially posted on SQLServerCentral @ 2024-04-26. Short answer: The column is marked...

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Hi I have a sequence container which contains an execute package task which loads...

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Adding Hints with Query Store

I have a query that is being tracked in the SQL Server 2022 Query Store. I want to add a hint to this query to ensure that the MAXDOP for this query is one. How can I do this with minimal code changes

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