Search results for "title"

Your search for "title" returned 100 results:

Technical Article

Backup/Restore permission

  • Topic

Hi there, I want to dedicate a person (eg. 'BackupManager') who can only performce backup and restore certain databases. At BackupManager's properties I had checked db_backupoperator. When I login using BackupManager and perform backup, at the add backup destination I receieve an error message like below (similarly to restore), Can anyone help? TIA

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8,650 reads

Technical Article

Cannot connect to Reporting Services with Managment Studio

  • Topic

I've just set up a new instance of SSRS 2012 and I'm unable to connect to it through Management Studio. The error is: It is a native report server. Reporting Services is running on a separate server to the reporting databases (but I doubt if this matters). I can connect to the management URL fine. […]

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2,144 reads

Technical Article

Problem Creating Publication !?!?

  • Topic

Hi When I try to create a new Transactional Publication with Updatable Subscriptions I get this error message when it should create the Publication. TITLE: New Publication Wizard ------------------------------ SQL Server could not create publication 'MyDatabaseName'. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ The specified '@notify_level_email' is […]

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390 reads

Technical Article

In SSISDB New folder not able to create.

  • Topic

While i'm creating a folder in Integration service catalog - SSISDB i'm getting an error as below, TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Operation 'Create' on object 'CatalogFolder[@Name='dev']' failed during execution. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc) For help, click: ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ An error occurred […]

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10,232 reads

Technical Article

new sql installation of developer edition errors

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I am learning to work with SQL server 2019. During the installation I got some errors. TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Setup ------------------------------ The following error has occurred: Cannot find the user 'DESKTOP-QGVGUB6\PdwComputeNodeAccess', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Changed database context to 'DWConfiguration'. Script version: 107 Version_History table created. […]

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2,370 reads

Technical Article

Drop failed for jobs

  • Topic

I have a problem with some jobs, disabled since not useful, which I cannot drop. The message returned is TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Drop failed for Job 'copiaPS.Subplan'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint […]

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4,969 reads

Technical Article

SSRS 2012, how to make width of header, title box dynamic on report with column group, to avoid merged columns

  • Topic

Hi, I have report with 10 columns and column #4 is column group, all columns are different width, so depending of number of groups I 'm getting bad or good results? Is there any solution to make it work? I dont' have enough space to put all titles, params in a box that wide up […]

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77 reads

Technical Article

Error Creating transactional replication or enabling replication on DB

  • Topic

I an trying to enable transactional replication on some of my databases. I try to create the publication and get the following error message when it is trying to creat it. TITLE: Publisher Properties ------------------------------ An error occurred while saving publication database. Do you want to continue saving other changes? For help, click: ------------------------------ […]

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2,167 reads

Technical Article

Dynamic Centering of Header/Title with dynamically increasing Tablix

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Hello I have a SSRS Report which shows the revenue made on each day in the month from 1st Business day till the previous business day which runs everyday around noon. I attached the screenshot of the SSRS Report (Dashboard_On_11182014.xls). My concern is with the title/Header alignment. Because the number of previous business days grows […]

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Sensitivity Ranks

I want to use the ADD SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION DDL to mark some columns in my SQL Server 2022 database as PII. Can I use this code?

    LABEL = 'Highly Confidential',
    INFORMATION_TYPE = 'Financial',

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