Technical Article

View connection and Locking Information


This procedure uses xsp_cmdshell to get the host IP address, hence it is slow to execute depending on the number of process.

The usage is exec usp_GetConnectionInfo


Create Proc usp_GetConnectionInfo
    Declare @spid int,@ClientIPAddress varchar(500),@cmd varchar(260),@HostName varchar(100),@sqltext varchar(max)
    Declare @Lock_Info Table 
        ( spid int,dbid int,objid int,indid int,locktype varchar(20),
            Resource varchar(100),Mode varchar(15),lockstatus varchar(100)

    Declare @Process_Info Table
        ( spid int,proc_status varchar(10),Login_user varchar(100),HostName varchar(100),BlkBy char(10),DBname varchar(100),command varchar(200),
            CPUtime    int,diskio int,lastbatch varchar(100),programname varchar(250),spid_1 int,requestid int
    Declare @All_Info Table
        ( spid int,Sql_Statement varchar(max),HostName varchar(50),HostIP varchar(100),Dbname varchar(100),ObjName varchar(100),Index_Type varchar(50),
            Lock_Type varchar(10),Lock_Mode varchar(10),Lock_Status varchar(50),BlockedBy char(10),Cputime int,
            DiskIO int,programname varchar(100),lastbatch varchar(100)

    Insert into @Lock_Info
    Exec sp_lock
    Insert into @Process_Info    
    Exec sp_who2
    Declare mycur CURSOR 
    select spid,hostname from @Process_Info
    Declare @Results TABLE 
        Results varchar(500)
    create table #sqlstatement(eventtype varchar(100),parameters int,sqlstatement varchar(max))
    OPEN mycur
        fetch next from mycur into @spid,@HostName
            insert into #sqlstatement 
            EXEC ('DBCC Inputbuffer (' + @spid + ')') 
            select @sqltext=sqlstatement from #sqlstatement 
            truncate table #sqlstatement
            SET @cmd = 'ping ' + @HostName
            INSERT INTO @Results
            execute master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
            SELECT @ClientIPAddress=Replace(Left(Results, CharIndex(']', Results)), 'Pinging ', '')
            FROM @Results    WHERE Results LIKE 'Pinging%'
            Insert into @All_Info
            select p.spid,@sqltext,@hostname,@ClientIPAddress,p.dbname,object_Name(l.objid),    
            CASE indid When 0 Then 'HEAP'
                     When 1 Then 'CLUSTERED'
                     Else 'NON-CLUSTERED'
            from @Lock_Info l right join @Process_Info p on l.spid=p.spid where p.spid=@spid
            and p.hostname not like '%.%'    
            fetch next from mycur into @spid,@HostName

drop table #sqlstatement
Close mycur
deallocate mycur
select * from @All_Info
--sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1


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