Technical Article

SQL Job Timeline (Graphical)


Ever wondered if your jobs are overlapping?

This script will give you a "graphical" timeline of all the jobs on your SQL server (as long you have a valid history(.

Usage: Tweak the "Set variables" block to your liking and run

You will get a dataset back that you can copy into Excel for better readability. I have provided an (empty) sample excel sheet on my website here:

I hope you find it as usefull as I do.

Theo πŸ™‚

-- This script returns a (graphical) timeline for all SQL jobs 
-- Version: 1.0
-- Author:Theo Ekelmans
-- Date:2013-01-11

set nocount on 

declare @Minutes table (DT datetime)
declare @JobNames table (JobName varchar(255))
declare @DT datetime 
declare @StartDT datetime 
declare @EndDT datetime 
declare @Resolution int 
declare @RemoveNonactiveJobs int
declare @IgnoreDisabledJobs int

-- Set variables
set @StartDT = getdate() - 1 
set @EndDT = getdate()
set @Resolution = 1 -- Enter the Resolution in minutes
set @RemoveNonactiveJobs = 1 
set @IgnoreDisabledJobs = 1

-- Pre-run cleanup (just in case)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Timeline') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Timeline;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pivot') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pivot;

-- Make a Jobname table 
insert into @JobNames (JobName)
selectreplace(name, ' ', '.') --Replace spaces (they are invalid in XML based pivot lower in the code)
whereenabled = @IgnoreDisabledJobs
--WHERE NAME = '<dbname>'
--WHERE NAME like '%<partial dbname>%'

-- Genereate a Datetime table between StartDT and EndDT with x minute Resolution
set @DT = @StartDT

insert into @Minutes (DT) values(@DT)

set @DT= dateadd(mi, @Resolution, @DT)

-- Create a timeline table by crossjoining the Datetime and Jobnames tables
select DT, JobName, 0 as Active
into #Timeline
from @Minutes cross join @JobNames
-- Create the Job Runtime information table
selectreplace(name, ' ', '.') as name --Replace spaces (they are invalid in XML based pivot lower in the code)
,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) as SDT
((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,
CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) 
) as EDT
,CAST(STUFF(STUFF(REPLACE(STR(run_duration, 6), ' ', '0'), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') AS time(0)) AS Duration
,((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 DurationSeconds
FROMmsdb.dbo.sysjobs job 
left JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory his
ON his.job_id = job.job_id

whereCONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) between @StartDT and @EndDT not in ('Database Mirroring Monitor Job', '<dbname>')
andstep_id = 0 -- step_id = 0 is the entrite job, step_id > 0 is actual step number
--and((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > 1  -- Ignore trivial runtimes
order by SDT

-- Update the Timeline based on the the Job Runtime information table
setActive = 1
from#Timeline inner join #JobRuntime 
onJobName = Name
SDT between dt and dateadd(mi, @Resolution - 1, DT)  -- Start point (added for Resolution support)
EDT between dt and dateadd(mi, @Resolution, DT) -- End point (added for Resolution support)
DT  between SDT and EDT

-- Delete all jobs from the Timeline that that had no activity
if @RemoveNonactiveJobs = 1 
whereJobName in(selectJobname 
group by Jobname
havingsum(active) = 0 )

-- Pivot the Timeline table
DECLARE @Minutes2 AS TABLE(col2set varchar(250) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)
DECLARE @cols AS nvarchar(MAX)
create table #Pivot (col1 varchar(250) null, col2 varchar(250) null, col3 int null)
-- col1 = row, col2 = column, col3 = data

insertinto #Pivot
selectconvert(varchar(250), DT, 120), JobName, Active 

-- Make a table with all unique col2 values 
INSERT INTO @Minutes2 
FROM #Pivot

SELECT  @cols = REPLACE(  -- Replace the space in the XML path by a comma
  -- ([c1] [c2] [c3] [c4]) ->  ([c1],[c2],[c3],[c4])
-- Build the IN clause of the PIVOT by concactenating ([c1] [c2] [c3] [c4])
            SELECTquotename(col2set) AS [data()] 
            ORDER BY col2set 
            FOR XML PATH ('') 
        ), ' ', ',') 

-- Build the pivot statement as a dyanamic sql statement
DECLARE @sql AS nvarchar(MAX)
SET @sql = N'
SELECT col1 as DT,' + @cols + N' 
FROM (SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM #Pivot) AS D
PIVOT(MAX(col3) FOR col2 IN(' + @cols + N')) AS P
order by col1'

-- Output the Timeline table
EXEC sp_executesql @sql

-- Cleanup
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Timeline') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Timeline;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pivot') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pivot;


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