Technical Article

PoorDBA Tools - 1: DB Log Space used


Modify Paramters as required, defautl set to HTML, results to email body but option to add as attachment included. 

Set "fileID" to 1 for main data file checks, currently set to 2 for Log File checks. 

Set required percent used threshold, currently set at 15%.

You'll need to set this script as a step in a SQL Agent job, set on a schedule to run and evaluate.

--Check and report on database log file usage over 15% --
--Henrico Bekker--
--Tested on 2012,2014 and 2016 SP1--
--Tools for Poor DBA's--
((CAST ( (fileproperty(name, 'SpaceUsed')*8)/1024 as float))
/(CAST ( (size * 8)/1024 as float)) )*100
as Used
From dbo.sysfiles
where fileid = 2
) > 15

exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'PoorDBAEmailProfile',
@recipients = '',
@subject = 'Database Log File Usage Exceed 15%',
@query = 
'Select Filename,size, fileid, name,
((CAST ( (fileproperty(name, ''SpaceUsed'')*8)/1024 as float))
/(CAST ( (size * 8)/1024 as float)) 
as Used
From dbo.sysfiles
where fileid = 2',
@query_result_separator=' ',
@attach_query_result_as_file = 0, --set to 1 for true, this script will keep results in email body
@query_attachment_filename = 'LogFileSizeResult.txt' -- will only attach when prior parameter set TRUE


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