This script will provide the first four values required for estimating the size of a database table. It will satisfy steps one and two in MS estimation process for the amount of space required to store the data in a MS SQL Server v7.0 or v2000 table:
1 Specify the number of rows present in the table:
Number of rows in the table = Num_Rows
2 If there are fixed-length and variable-length columns in the table definition, calculate the space that each of these groups of columns occupies within the data row. The size of a column depends on the data type and length specification. For more information, see Data Types.
Number of columns = Num_Cols
Sum of bytes in all fixed-length columns = Fixed_Data_Size
Number of variable-length columns = Num_Variable_Cols
Maximum size of all variable-length columns = Max_Var_Size
Harnessing SQL Server Metadata- Disabling and Rebuilding Indexes
When doing bulk data changes it may be beneficial to disable indexes prior to starting the operation. Fortunately, SQL's rich metadata makes this very easy to automate in a robust fashion.
2018-05-18 (first published: 2015-10-19)
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