The scripts posted here will show you the recovery model of any given database. As for the usage it's very simple, copy and paste.
2009-07-23 (first published: 2009-07-13)
1,400 reads
The scripts posted here will show you the recovery model of any given database. As for the usage it's very simple, copy and paste.
-- Author: Nirav Patel (CodeLake - -- Profile: -- To find the Recovery Mode(Model) for the 'master' database SELECT CONVERT(SYSNAME, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'master', 'Recovery')) -- Author: Nirav Patel (CodeLake - -- Profile: -- To find the Recovery Mode(Model) for all the databases SELECT [name] AS [DatabaseName], CONVERT(SYSNAME, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N''+ [name] + '', 'Recovery')) AS [RecoveryModel] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases ORDER BY name -- -- ALTERNATIVE WAY -- -- Author: Greg Charles -- Profile: -- To find the Recovery Mode(Model) for the 'master' database SELECT recovery_model_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'master'