Technical Article



This vbscript is used to alert and email receipients on Filegroup space usage
Ouput:  '% Space Avail. , Space Avail. Filesize, MaxSize, FileName, DBname, FileGroup
The process takes three arguments - SqlserverName ,
Threshold for percentage of available space to check ,
Mininum MaxFileSize to check
Execute the script either from the command line or schedule the script via Sql Server Agent
Command line execution:  cscript.exe sp_dba_spacealert_dmo.vbs sqlservername Threshold MaxfileSize
Sql server agent : cscript sp_dba_spacealert_dmo.vbs  sqlservername Threshold MaxfileSize
The process uses sqlmail which can be installed on any server within your organization

'############################### sp_dba_spacealert_dmo.vbs ############################
' Submitted by Jim Mccoy
'This vbscript is used to alert and email receipients on Filegroup space usage
'Ouput:  '% Space Avail. , Space Avail. Filesize, MaxSize, FileName, DBname, FileGroup
'The process takes three arguments - SqlserverName , 
'Threshold for percentage of available space to check ,
'Mininum MaxFileSize to check
'Execute the script either from the command line or schedule the script via Sql Server Agent
'Command line execution:  cscript.exe sp_dba_spacealert_dmo.vbs sqlservername Threshold MaxfileSize
'Sql server agent : cscript sp_dba_spacealert_dmo.vbs  sqlservername Threshold MaxfileSize
'The process uses sqlmail which can be installed on any server within your organization
Dim oServer,oDatabase
Dim oDBgrp,oDBfgrp
Dim sResults,oDBfile 
Dim oDbfil,sDBfil
Dim SpAlert,Checksize

Dim sFgn,sDBfs

Dim oArgs, fso, drv
Dim command, recordset, connDb 
Nosend = False

'Constants used for the sendmail proc
Const sServer = "SSSSSSS"                  ' Name of server where Sqlmail is installed
Const sUser = "UUUUU"                      ' Sqlmail userid
Const sPassword = "PPPPPP"                 ' Sqlmail password 
Const sDatabase = "master"
Const messageto = ""     ' Mail recipient 
Const ccto = ""          ' cc Mail recipient 
' multiple addresses delimited by semicolon
Const width = "200"

 'Arguments for Sqlserver ,  Threshold  , MaxFileSizeCheck
 Sqlserver = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
 Threshold = CInt(WScript.Arguments.Item(1))
 MaxCheck = CInt(WScript.Arguments.Item(2))
Set oServer = CreateObject("SQLDmo.SqlServer") 
oServer.LoginSecure = True 
oServer.Connect Sqlserver 
' This will return the name of each database along with the % space avail.
' space avail,  Filesize, MaxFileSize, FileName, DBName and FileGroup 

For Each oDatabase In oServer.Databases 
  Set oDBgrp = oDatabase
  Set oDBfgrp = oDBgrp.Filegroups
for each sDBfs in oDBfgrp
    for each oDBfil in oDBfgrp
     sFgn =
        for each sDBfil in oDBfil.DBFiles 
SpAlert = Round((sDBfil.SpaceAvailableInMB/sDBfil.Size)* 100)
Checksize = Round(sDBfil.MaximumSize - sDBfil.Size)             ' Check to see if the filesize is approaching  maxfilesize
'  If you want to exclude primary filegroups
'If SpAlert < Threshold and  sDBfil.MaximumSize > -1 and sFgn <> "PRIMARY" and Checksize < MaxCheck then

'  If you want to include primary filegroups
If SpAlert < Threshold and  sDBfil.MaximumSize > -1  and Checksize < MaxCheck then

'Displays % space avail. , Space avail. Filesize, MaxSize, FileName, DBname, FileGroup
sTitle = "%SpAvl - SpAvl(mb) - Fsize - Msize - Fname - DB - FGN And MaxFsize < " & MaxCheck & "MB"
sResults = sResults & sTitle & Chr(13) & "    " & SpAlert & "%" &" - "& sDBfil.SpaceAvailableInMB & "MB" &" - "& sDBfil.Size & "MB" & " - " & sDBfil.MaximumSize & "MB" & " - " & sDBfil.Name & " - " & & " - " & sFgn  &  Chr(13) 
  If IsEmpty(sResults) = False  then 
     Nosend = True
 End If
End If

sConnect = "driver={SQL Server};server=SSSSSSS" + ";uid=" + _
sUser + ";pwd=" + sPassword + ";database=" + sDatabase
messagebody = sResults 

messagesubject = "Space Alert For: " & Sqlserver & " " & Now

Set command = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
command.Activeconnection = sConnect

If Nosend = True Then' Don't send email if there's nothing to report on
command.CommandText = _
"EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = '" + messageto + _
"',@copy_recipients = '" + ccto + _
"',@subject = '" + messagesubject + _
"',@message = '" + messagebody + _
"', @width = " + width
Set recordset = command.Execute()
End If

'Uncomment to display results in MsgBox  at terminal

'MsgBox  sResults 

' Clean up
Set oServer = Nothing 
Set recordset = nothing
Set connDb  = nothing
Set command = nothing
Set recordset = nothing


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