Technical Article

Caching and paging a SQL Result Set


This is an example of how to Cache Query results on the Server side
then page though the results 
!!!This process should be reserved for queries that normally take a long time 
where running the base query for each page results in a unacceptable time lag between pages!!
This is for use with Mobile devices to avoid pulling large or complex data sets
across the connection and trying to cache them on the device then page 
through them
This Caches the complex query results the first pass, avoiding running the complex query
each time you page. Once cached, you can page through the simple cached table to return 
the results to the client one page at a time, avoiding the client side caching.
The line count and page count of your result set are returned with each query so you can keep track
of your position in the dataset
Final pass, you can (and should) destroy the table after use.
By using TempDB you avoid the orphaned table problem, if the client disconnects unexpectedly, 
as TempDB is cleaned up each time SQL is restarted.
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_PagedCachedResults
       @pagenumber int  --Page to return
,      @pagesize int   --number of lines to return per page
,      @CacheTable nvarchar(50) --A Table name defined on the client side used to access the data during paging
,      @OtherFilterParms int
AS /****************************************************************
This is an example of how to Cache Query results on the Server side
then page though the results 

!!!This process should be reserved for queries that normally take a long time 
where running the base query for each page results in a unacceptable time lag between pages!!

This is for use with Mobile devices to avoid pulling large or complex data sets
across the connection and trying to cache them on the device then page 
through them

This Caches the complex query results the first pass, avoiding running the complex query
each time you page. Once cached, you can page through the simple cached table to return 
the results to the client one page at a time, avoiding the client side caching.

The line count and page count of your result set are returned with each query so you can keep track
of your position in the dataset

Final pass, you can (and should) destroy the table after use.

By using TempDB you avoid the orphaned table problem, if the client disconnects unexpectedly, 
as TempDB is cleaned up each time SQL is restarted.

Greg Ryan
****************************************************************/       BEGIN
             SET NOCOUNT ON
             DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)
             IF @pagenumber = 0
/************************First Generate Dataset*************************/--Example is simple but this could be some complex or long running query
--Put final result in a global temp table
                        ,   Col2
                        ,   Col3
                            Col1 > @OtherFilterParms
--Now Load Cache Table
                      SET @SQL = 'Select * into TempDB.dbo.' + @CacheTable
                          + ' from ##SomeResult'
                      EXEC sp_executesql

-- Now return first page
                      SET @SQL = 'WITH    Query_cte 
          AS ( SELECT
                ,   <Col2>
                ,   <Col3>
                ,   ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY <Col1> ASC ) AS line --This order by Determines your sort order
                ,   _LineCount = COUNT(*) OVER ( )
                    TempDB.dbo.' + @CacheTable + '
     SELECT TOP ( @pagesize ) -- Diplay results in outer Query
        ,   <Col2>
        ,   <Col3>
        ,   _LineCount
        ,   ( _LineCount / @pagesize ) _PgCount
            line > 0
        ORDER BY line --Must have an order by statement to make TOP Deterministic'

                      EXEC sp_executesql
/********************Return proceeding pages******************************************/ 
             IF @pagenumber > 0
                      SET @SQL = 'WITH    Query_cte 
          AS ( SELECT
                ,   <Col2>
                ,   <Col3>
                ,   ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY <Col1> ASC ) AS line --This order by Determines your sort order
                ,   _LineCount = COUNT(*) OVER ( )
                    TempDB.dbo.' + @CacheTable + '
     SELECT TOP ( @pagesize ) -- Diplay results in outer Query
        ,   <Col2>
        ,   <Col3>
        ,   _LineCount
        ,   ( _LineCount / @pagesize ) _PgCount
            line > (' + @pagenumber + ' - 1 ) * ' + @pagesize
                          + '
        ORDER BY line --Must have an order by statement to make TOP Deterministic'

                      EXEC sp_executesql
 --Drop cache Table after use
             IF @pagenumber = -1
                      SET @SQL = ' Drop Table TempDB.dbo.' + @CacheTable 
                      EXEC sp_executesql

             SET NOCOUNT OFF


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