Viewing 15 topics - 282,031 through 282,045 (of 282,839 total)
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Sounds simple enough, huh? I'm running SQL 2000 on a development machine. When I try to delete a co…
17 replies
is there a maximun file size for BCP files I have a problem where I make a BCP file from an oracle …
3 replies
Our database has external files that need to be included in a user "topic/keyword" search. The fil…
1 replies
Has anyone used pintable before? what was the result? thanks
3 replies
Hello,, I am learning and need some advice. This application is sending about 2000 variables to SQL…
19 replies
When i right click and try to open a table. An error pops up and says "An unexpected error happened…
2 replies
Hi, Guys! I am running SQL2000 SP1 on Compaq 8500 with 6 processors. Here is a problem. I have the…
3 replies
i have one table that not allow nulls values in some columns in my account program. When i am impor…
3 replies
Hi, Everybody say that temporary tables are just like normal tables. But can we perform alter and u…
5 replies
Hello all! I would like to ask You: is it possible to convert database from one codepage to another…
2 replies
When I linked two SQL servers (both SQL Server 2000 with sp1) and execute simple select statement t…
4 replies
Hi all Just finished working out a problem (well, probably not a problem as such) with views. One o…
1 replies
Hi everybody, does anyone know if there is a way to set up your database backup jobs to have 7 diff…
5 replies
OK - this may be fairly basic, but bear with me guys.. I want to build a trigger that emails a sele…
3 replies
I recently upgraded my application (ASP w/COM backend) to SQL 2000 (SP1 installed) from SQL 7. The …
8 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 282,031 through 282,045 (of 282,839 total)