Viewing 15 topics - 282,631 through 282,645 (of 282,856 total)
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Setup: running Win 2K, SQL 7 with SP3. When I use Perfmon (counters: SQLServer:Databases, Data File…
3 replies
Hi all, Does any one know what hapend whith one trigger, when I execute one "BULK INSERT" statement…
1 replies
Last Friday clients started receiving the intermittent error "A database error has occurred: Databa…
3 replies
I'm about to embark on a project that will require us to convert an Access 2000 database to an SQL …
2 replies
I have 2 SQL 2000 SP1 installations and when I am in Ent. MGR, database, taskpad, table info all ta…
3 replies
Hi all At present I have both read ahd write cache enabled on my RAID-5 array (4x15k 18gig drives).…
2 replies
Hello, I am trying to write the output of a stored procedure to a txt file. I am unable to fin…
8 replies
Hello, I am having problem with calling a stored procedure which is having a cursor inside stor…
3 replies
I wonder if anyone have ever changed the name of NT4 server with SQL7 running. I stopped sql servi…
2 replies
I wonder if anyone have ever changed the name of NT4 server with SQL7 running. I stopped sql servi…
1 replies
I have inherited the SQL server. The password for many logins are not passed on to me. Is there a w…
2 replies
I have a software which was developed to use SQL6.5 DMO. I am in the process of upadting the softwa…
2 replies
I'm trying to use SQL-DMO to determine the size of the "northwind" database: Dim oSQLServer Dim oDa…
2 replies
On one of my client machines I have run into the following trouble: The SQL Client installation pro…
1 replies
Hi all I am after some general recommendations re fill-factor. By default it is zero, which seems …
7 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 282,631 through 282,645 (of 282,856 total)