Viewing 15 topics - 281,311 through 281,325 (of 282,868 total)
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Hi EveryBody I'm trying to send email from SQL Server to an email recipeint. But whenever i try to …
1 replies
Now that you dont have much to do heres a little SQL pop quiz that hopefully you can give me some g…
4 replies
When using the convert function in SQL 6.5 , i use the style property of 106 to get dd-mm-yy format…
4 replies
Hi, this is the problem: I have a transformation where the source is a "select ..." and the destina…
3 replies
Dear All, My requirement is to import the data from Oracle 7.1 (16 bit) into SQL 7.0 (32 bit). An e…
5 replies
Hi, I have a problem with OPENXML - loading data into a table, a character field that sometimes con…
2 replies
How can I add a field to a table after a specific other field? I've tried this but it doesn't work:…
7 replies
Does anyone know how to tell where a query to SQL Server 2000 originates. I have a system with a nu…
7 replies
Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at…
5 replies
Hi can anyone help me?, someone delete all the data of the production databse, how can I see who di…
5 replies
Hi, All I have a q for U. I try to change one of my columns from 1 to "Y".. I use this ActiveX scri…
1 replies
How can I turn on single user mode in SQL 6.5 from Enterprise Manager?
1 replies
Hello, What's the best Tool to parctise exams for 70-228 Exam. Thanks! Abdu
5 replies
How would i implement a trigger that would log any row-deleted event in a table. I would like to kn…
1 replies
I am wondering what each of you have done to improve the SQL Servers where you work and hoping to g…
19 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 281,311 through 281,325 (of 282,868 total)