Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: how to enable a procedure when a message arrives

    no solution found until now, I'm afraid.

    I tried several other fora as well, but with no success.

  • RE: looping through a dataset

    The number of records varies.

    But i've solved it by making the variable mapping go to a string type, instead of a integer type


    (which sounds actually totally counter logical, because the...

  • RE: error while doing bcp out

    I think your way will work out, but I will leave the code I have, as it is working at this moment.

    (never change a winning team)

  • RE: error while doing bcp out

    correct, i needed to enter my servername. although i thought it wasn't needed (because it is the local machine), i had to enter it as it SQLExpress

    furthermore yoou have to...

  • RE: error while doing bcp out

    found the error : since it was SQLexpress, It seems I have to enter the servername

    syntax will look like this :

    bcp "SELECT line from WMSFSTD42.dbo.t_conversion_lines order by line_number"...

  • RE: error while doing bcp out

    Well, I can login on my DB using windows authentication.

    Is there a difference then??

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)