Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Named Pipe Changes


    changing it is the easy bit.

    Making use of the renamed pipe is another matter.

    For a local instance, where a '2' has been added to the end of the default name,...

  • RE: In-Memory OLTP - SQL Server 2014

    I'm with Grasshopper, whilst I'm aware that you can configure a Memory Optimized Table to be Not-Durable, as it is just an optional setting, it is NOT a consequence of...

  • RE: Order By Column

    BTW, you get a different result on SQL Server 2000 - both queries return in the same order.

    The only way to sort by the actual table column (in SQL Server...



    you state 'NOTE: You will notice that James was case insenstive (COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS )' in your answer but this is very much site specific.

    (I answered on the basis that you...

  • RE: Installing SQL Server 2005

    I think it would have been fairer to point out what SP version of SQL Server 2005 the question related to.

    Given one tries to keep SQL Server updated are far...

  • RE: That case filter

    I think that this question is ambiguous and should be withdrawn.

    There is NO query returning zero rows in the question.

    There is one insert statement yielding five rows affected.

    You might have...

  • RE: TDE and Filestream

    Unusual to had two dud QotD's in a row ...

    At least there is very little point arguing about / discussing today's QotD.

  • RE: Fun with Transactions - Part III

    In regards to SSChasing Mays concerns about committed transactions being rolled out, 'Committing inner transactions is ignored by the SQL Server Database Engine' (

    Real committed transactions can't be...

  • RE: Basic

    I'm not sure that ASCII is really (now) the correct answer.

    Most systems these days fundamentally support Unicode (with ASCII being an effective sub-set (UTF-8)).

  • RE: Deprecated Features

    Another way of getting to this information is via ...

    SELECT * FROM sys.sysperfinfo WHERE object_name LIKE ('%deprecated%')

    ... but don't use it because this view itself is on the deprecated...

  • RE: What identity comes next?

    Good question.

    A better (more explicit) MSDN reference would be:

    The following extract from the 'Remarks' section covers the issue:

    'If the value inserted is larger than the current identity value...


    Answering Carla's question directly - try the following:



    FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/test/value',3)

    WITH (id int,

    name varchar(10),

    class int,

    flag char(1))

    i.e. the flags Argument can be a combination of Byte...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)