Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 226 through 237 (of 237 total)

  • RE: SQL To create a text file

    1. Do not forget also about bcp utility.

    2. The other option is to use an ODBC driver for text files. This should allow you treat a text file as...

  • RE: Could not relay results of procedure 'ProcedureNam

    This could be seen when calling a table or SP on a linked server but the user does not have proper permissions on the linked server. So the linked call...

  • RE: delete trigger

    You want to prevent deletes to the table A axcept if it is done from a trigger on table B.

    Create a DELETE trigger for table A with this code only:


  • RE: different row count from EM and QA

    EM might be looking at the sysindexes.rows to find out the number of rows in the table while QA is running select count(*). Try to run sp_spaceused instead or select...

  • RE: SQL process Blocking problme

    To find out what causes blocking to the process with id 123, execute

    sp_who2 123

    You'll see BlkBy column with a dot (meaning no blocking) or a number indicating another process ID....

  • RE: Enable Parallelism causes DTS Packages to fails

    We had a similar problem on SQL Server 2000 when calling a third-party DLL from a DTS package in parallel mode. I think this was due to possible memory leaks...

  • RE: update datetime field

    If you need it for INSERT only, create a DEFAULT on the timelog table and set it to GETDATE(). You do not need a trigger for it, it is much...

  • RE: simple question

    To clarify, the SELECT INTO will lead to locking of sysobjects in tempdb until you commit your transaction. If you have many users on the system, or if transactions are...

  • RE: Trigger Assistance Please


    It is a good idea to check for row count before proceeeding with the trigger but the way to do it is not count(*). Do this at the start of...

  • RE: Transaction log not clearing out

    Tom, try NO_LOG option instead of TRUNCATE_ONLY. Help states that those are the same but who knows... The behavior you are experiencing is by design I suspect.

  • RE: User-defined Data Type Basics

    Friends, you are all right about problems with UDT. However I always use those and even made it a standard because this is the only reliable way to maintain data...

  • RE: Query Analyzer Phone # Manipulation.

    Try this, it is simpler and might be quicker:


    SELECT @WORKPHONE = '1234567890'

    SELECT @WORKPHONE = STUFF( STUFF( WORKPHONE, 7, 0, '-' ) , 4, 0, '-' )


Viewing 12 posts - 226 through 237 (of 237 total)