Transaction log not clearing out

  • Hi all -

    I am finding that in one situation SQL Server 2000 behaves in a very counterintuitive fashion (to me, anyhow).

    I have a small lightly-used database set up using the Simple recovery model. Using "dbcc opentran (dbname)" I see that there are no open transactions on the database. Doing a "dbcc sqlperf (logspace)" I see that the T-log is about 20% full. I do a "backup log dbname with truncate only," and check the T-log space again. It has not budged. Still no open transactions.

    I also work with Sybase (for a lot longer than MSSQL, actually) and a "dump tran dbname with truncate_only" on a DB with no open transactions clears things out every time. For me that is expected behavior.

    Is there anything else I need to do to get that T-log purged out? We have run into problems with the transaction log filling up in the past, and to me this is scary behavior.


  • Tom, try NO_LOG option instead of TRUNCATE_ONLY. Help states that those are the same but who knows... The behavior you are experiencing is by design I suspect.

  • I gave the NO_LOG thing a try, but nothing changed.

    I should explain why I am playing with this database.

    In the past we have had some bad situations. A database with a Simple recovery model and no open transactions should not get jammed up with a full T-log, and if this does happen it should respond to a "backup log" command. But we have found ourselves bouncing the whole server to get a database out of this very jam.

    I am not one who is quick to conclude that a software product has a serious bug, but here I am starting to wonder. We are on SP2, by the way.

    Thanks for your input!

  • yes

    I have a huge data warehouse and I make sure that after big loading processes I wil,cheal up my log.

    I am sure it is a bug.Especially because this type of behaviour is irregular

  • replace <logname> with log name of the db

    and <dbname> with dbname.

    if its okey i explain it later.

    declare @logname varchar(128)

    dbcc shrinkfile ( <logname>, truncateonly )

    backup log <dbname> with truncate_only


    if exists ( select * from sysobjects where name ='tmp_00000000000001a')

    drop table tmp_00000000000001a

    create table tmp_00000000000001a (cola varchar(10), colb int )

    set nocount on

    insert tmp_00000000000001a (colb) values (1)

    declare @index int

    select @index = 0

    while (@index < 4000)


    update tmp_00000000000001aset cola = cola where colb = 1

    select @index = @index + 1


    dbcc shrinkfile ( <logname>, truncateonly )

    backup log <dbname> with truncate_only


    drop table tmp_00000000000001a


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