Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 84 total)

  • RE: Join Predicate

    I heard Microsoft is implementing middle joins in 2008. It's for those indiscriminate coders that aren't sure what type of join they want to use. Now you don't...

  • RE: SQL 2005 Memory Problem

    TheSQLGuru (11/26/2007)

    Lock Pages in Memory only applies to Enterprise Edition of SQL Server.

    Good call.

  • RE: SQL 2005 Memory Problem

    I'm not sure that this is the problem, but I understand that you must have the lock pages in memory permission assigned to the SQL account, or windows can page...

  • RE: SQL2005 Performance question

    There are some other ways you can get good performance on lookup tables while avoiding a join. If you have some lookup tables that you want to avoid joining...

  • RE: How to find full Backup file size without backup database ?

    If you're doing a native backup, you should be able to get a pretty close metric by seeing how much space is used in the database. This is assuming...

  • RE: erro no 80040e4d.....

    This problem is a pretty common one when you don't have appropriate domain trusts across domains or you use delegation on the account level and it isn't properly setup. ...

  • RE: Using local drive on clustered SQL Server 2005

    Tim Talbert (11/6/2007)

    Anyway, we’ll have to make due with what we’ve got. I’ll chalk this up as another time when the DBMS prevents us from the possibility of making...

  • RE: Full Text File Location - Best Practices

    Sorry, the post from Amar made the thread active again on the main site. I hope all is going well nonetheless. And just for good measure:

    This thread is...

  • RE: Full Text File Location - Best Practices

    I would tend to disagree with Amar. Right now, we have about 5000 Terabytes (5 petabytes, if you wish) of databases with about 30% being FT Catalogs in a...

  • RE: Security and ownership.

    Good point, but you really don't find that out until after you answer the question. The category when you are reading the question doesn't make mention to SQL 2005....

  • RE: Suspect databases w/ Corruption: Post-mortum Analysis

    Can't say that I've tried that one before, but the issue has long since been resloved, if you check my 1st post. I was doing a post-mortem analysis, since...

  • RE: SQL Job Fails giving Message 2528

    Hey Jared,

    The message 2528 is what DBCC Reindex always outputs. I would recommend using try catch in your exec statement and in the catch block, insert the "select ERROR_MESSAGE()"...

  • RE: Restoring a sql db to another server

    One thing to note in the following step:

    "The scripts in the following methods create two stored procedures that are named the sp_hexadecimal stored procedure and the sp_help_revlogin stored procedure in...

  • RE: Security and ownership.

    This might be close to right if the question was applied to just SQL '05. Also, best granularity? What kind of granularity? If you want the most...

  • RE: Suspect databases w/ Corruption: Post-mortum Analysis

    Thank you, Paul. This is exactly what I'm looking for. I did pretty much what you surmised, but I wanted to see what my other options were, had...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 84 total)