Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: A column for serial number

    Hi there,

    At last, I found the solution. Here it is.


    Select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by firstname) as ROWNUMB, firstname, lastname, employeeID from employee

    Here, when you try to excute the query, you...

  • RE: A column for serial number

    Hi Aaron,

    Thank you very much for your time and patience.

    I copied the query and tried several methods but I failed.

    By the way, I use SQL 2005 and Visual Studio Pro...

  • RE: A column for serial number

    Greetings Jeff,

    Thanks for your care. I'm really eager to know how to use it.

    Here is a copy of my main query,


    SELECT FullName, JobCode, City, HomePhone, Mobile, Notes, NextInterview, eMailAddress, Experience,...

  • RE: A column for serial number

    Thank you all for your quick respone and trying to help me.

    I use sql 2005 but I couldn't use the (row_number function) but no problem, I want only to thank...

  • RE: when a databases was last used

    Choose an event to use this code. For example, Form_load or SaveButton_click. It will create a file in the specified place to tell you when the program was opened or...

  • RE: Forum Date Format

    Before anything, I want to express my thanks for your quick answer.

    I appreciate your help it is of great value to me.

    Again thank you very much.

  • RE: Forum Date Format

    Greetings to all you great members,

    Speaking about date format, I am in a little problem. I made a dataset and I want to use a query that gives this meaning:


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)