Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)

  • RE: 701: There is insufficient system memory to run this query


    I presume it is so big because this is your initial setup of all the tables?

    Or do you expect it be this big every time you move from staging to...

  • RE: Log restore not affecting pages in data file

    We are actually using Red-Gate's SQL backup for log shipping. The one process got stuck for hours so I started doing them manually with normal SQL BACKUP and RESTORE statements....

  • RE: Log restore not affecting pages in data file

    In standby mode

    I previously mentioned that the large log file took a long time to complete, it could be because the data file also grew by about 20Gb, so that...

  • RE: Log restore not affecting pages in data file

    The size of the log backup files looks fine

    Another thing I did not mention was that when I restored one log file of about 500Mb, it restores quickly up to...

  • RE: How do I count the no of patients?

    Yes use COUNT instead of SUM

    You may also want to use DISTINCT in your if you don't want to count the same patient twice if the patient used the same...

  • RE: 'Divide By Zero' error encountered

    Hi Marcus

    I suggest you use a Case statement to check if the divide by value is zero, if so supply a default value else do the calculation.

    so do something like...

  • RE: '' = ' ' ???

    Try using the ASCII function, a blank string will return NULL otherwise it will return the ASCII code

    This following statement returns No Match:

    IF ISNULL(ASCII(''), 0) = ASCII(' ')

    PRINT 'Match'



  • RE: Invalid Column Name

    Hi, no table is referenced in these 2 SET statements:

    SET @DateMonth = datename(mm, date_started)

    SET @DateYear = datepart(yyyy, date_started)

    So SQL cant find the column name date_started.

    Use a select statement to get...

  • RE: How to execute stored procedure which is having where condition as parameter

    Instead of building different WHERE clauses as parameters, can't you rather have different stored procedures with fixed parameters for the different types of search methods?

  • RE: SQL Time out error

    Hi Ed

    BCP probably locked that resource and when you try and access it the ODBC driver you use times out waiting for access to that table.

    You could use the system...

  • RE: Set-based Aggregates Problem

    Sorry, I misread the question....

    What did we do before the days of Ranking functions???

  • RE: Set-based Aggregates Problem

    Do you want 1 & 2 to be repeated for each character in the table?

  • RE: Insert into #tempTable exec sp_executesql

    Another option is to create an index on the temp table that you want to use for sorting before inserting into it.

    Then remove the ORDER BY in the initial select...

  • RE: Change the info layout

    Are you referring to a Table structure?

    If so, can you also specify what data type each column should be.

    And my saying each column must have a value, can...

  • RE: DELETE with EXISTS and composite key

    EXISTS is probably returning a true.

    So it is the same as


    the condition is always true so it will delete every row

    Rather do something...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)