Log restore not affecting pages in data file

  • Hi, we are experiencing some issues with the RAID drive where the data file sits.

    We have log shipping running to a backup server, but when the log restores it always shows:

    Processed 0 pages for database 'Cellular', file 'Cellular_Data' on file 1.

    but data pages are being affected on the log file every time:

    Processed 3088 pages for database 'Cellular', file 'Cellular_Log' on file 1.

    Could this be problematic in case we need to switch the system over to the backup database?

  • Hi,

    Have you checked the size of the log backup file? If so, do you notice any size deviations?

    Thank you,

    Phillip Cox

  • The size of the log backup files looks fine

    Another thing I did not mention was that when I restored one log file of about 500Mb, it restores quickly up to 100%, then the process got stuck there for about 30 minutes before it came back with the successful message.

    Even with the 500Mb log file no Data pages in the data file got affected.

    Subsequent logs seems to restore faster. They are a lot smaller though, around 30Mb - 50Mb each. At least they don't hang that long at the end of the restore.

  • Hey,

    Are you running log shipping in standby mode or read-only mode?

  • In standby mode

    I previously mentioned that the large log file took a long time to complete, it could be because the data file also grew by about 20Gb, so that may not be an alarming factor.

  • hey,

    It seems your log shipping is ok and the inital large log file is not an issue. Depending on the database activity, you will always have a pretty big initial log dump to help setup log shipping, but thereafter only changes on source system will be reflected in log.

    Have you checked in Log Shipping monitoring how things are working?


    Phillip Cox

  • We are actually using Red-Gate's SQL backup for log shipping. The one process got stuck for hours so I started doing them manually with normal SQL BACKUP and RESTORE statements. Thats when I noticed the 0 pages affected.

    So you are saying I don't need to worry about the message: "Processed 0 pages for database 'Cellular', file 'Cellular_Data' on file 1." ??

    Is that the norm for log restores?

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