Windows authentication only allows login with sysadmin role

  • Yep, that's the story. Also, if I assign another role (so they're under public and setupadmin, or public and serveradmin), they can't log in.

    The default db is master for all roles and live user logins.


  • Ok, on the login dialogue box, under Options can you get them to specify the database name (by typing it in, not browsing for it)- see attached- then clicking Connect?

  • Related to this, if you check the permissions in the master database, has anybody removed access from the public role? It should be there, with a tick under Grant Connect (unless that is you have given this role elevated permissions for some reason, which is unlikely).

  • In order:

    Made no difference.

    Public is wide open.


  • It sounds like they're trying to connect to a database that doesn't exist, then. Are you auditing failed logins? If so check what it says in the SQL log. (Sorry if you've done that already!)

  • They're connecting to master, which I promise, regular swear, and pinky swear exists. I'm not seeing these even show up in the login failure report. Dang.

  • Do any of the server roles have DENYs on them?

    SELECT SUSER_NAME(grantee_principal_id), permission_name

    FROM sys.server_permissions

    WHERE state_desc = 'DENY'


  • No sir. That query comes back empty.

  • I think the login failure error you're getting points to not being able to open the specified database. What is the default database for the user(s) this is affecting? Either give them access to that database, or (which is what I do) set the default to master for all users.


    Edit: Oops - someone has already suggested that!

  • Yes, that's what I'm saying; state 38 means 'Login valid but database unavailable (or login not permissioned for that database)'.

  • I thought the exact same thing, but every login and role has permissions to the master database, and the master database permissions are open. Wild stuff.

  • Is the guest user definitely enabled for master?

  • Beatrix Kiddo (4/11/2014)

    Is the guest user definitely enabled for master?

    It looks to be so. Let me know if you'd like me to query differently.

    SELECT name, permission_name, state_desc

    FROM sys.database_principals dp

    INNER JOIN sys.server_permissions sp

    ON dp.principal_id = sp.grantee_principal_id

    WHERE name = 'guest'







  • I know you said the default database is master for all logins, but please humour me - what does this return?

    SELECT name

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE default_database_name <> 'master'


  • John Mitchell-245523 (4/14/2014)

    I know you said the default database is master for all logins, but please humour me - what does this return?

    SELECT name

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE default_database_name <> 'master'


    Hi John,

    Can you let me know what you'd be looking for in this list? There are some client specific service account names I wouldn't feel comfortable posting.


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