variable for DB name in sql script

  • Better yet just store the scripts as a file WITHOUT the DB Name. Then use a batch file to run the scripts via osql. Since the scripts will be running under the database context you have used to log into osql with you should be ok.

    The user would then simply open a dos box and type something like

    BuildReports.cmd MyServer MyNewDB

    The batch file would look something like the following...(note this is untested!)

    @echo off

    if '%1' == '' goto usage
    if '%2' == '' goto usage
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ECHO creating database %2
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    osql -S %1 -d master -E -b -n -Q "CREATE DATABASE %2"

    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ECHO Calling RUN_SCRIPT1.sql
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    osql -S %1 -d %2 -E -b -n -i "RUN_SCRIPT1.sql"
    if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto errors
    goto finish

    REM: How to use screen
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    echo Usage: MyScript Server Database
    echo Server: the name of the target SQL Server
    echo Database: the name of the target database
    echo Example: MyScript.cmd MainServer MainDatabase
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    goto done

    REM: error handler
    echo WARNING! Error(s) were detected!
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    echo Please evaluate the situation and, if needed,
    echo restart this command file. You may need to
    echo supply command parameters when executing
    echo this command file.
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    goto done

    REM: finished execution
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    echo Execution of all scripts are complete!
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
    @echo on

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • quote:

    The USE instruction has to be in the same statement as the CREATE TABLE.

    set @stmt = 'USE '+ @dbname + ' CREATE TABLE First( a int, b float)'

    EXEC sp_executesql @stmt

    I feel like a fool!

    I knew it was simply, but couldn't figure it out yesterday.

    But having the choice between dynamic sql and Gary's solution, I would use the latter.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I have written a batch file that asks the user for a username and password, the database name and path... it addresses your situation exactly.  I can email it to you, that's probably easiest.  Let me know.

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