Using views as data sources for reporting

  • I have several views that are used for SSRS reports locally and Tableau Reports remotely. The other day after a large update I went to check the reports on Tableau and the updates were not there. I was wondering just as a general question when do views refresh. Is it each time they are accessed or do i need to refresh them after updating the tables.

  • Views (non-indexed) are simply stored query scripts (kind of like a stored procedure w/o parameters) -- the data is selected when the view is queried. Indexed views (relatively rare -- you probably aren't using them) are persisted. The data is updated whenever the underlying tables are updated. Like normal views, the results are selected when the view is queried.

    SSRS reports can be cached, but aren't by default.

    I know Tableau caches query results, but am not familiar w/ refresh behavior.

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