User does not have permissions to view reports

  • Hi there. I am trying to setup SSMS and SSRS on my local computer so I can learn how to create reports and stuff using SSRS. I have both apps installed (SQL SErver 2008 & BIDS/VS 2008). I downloaded and attached the AdventureWorks sample DB and reports. I am able to deploy the reports and I then go to localhost/reports and I can see the list of reports, but when I try to open one I get:

    Cannot create a connection to data source 'AdventureWorks2008'.

    Cannot open database "AdventureWorks2008" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user '<domain>\<username>'.

    Here are my settings:

    In BIDS -> Shared Data Source -> Creds -> Windows Auth

    In SQL Server -> Security -> Logins -> MyLogin Properties -> Server Roles -> public and sysadmin

    In Reporting Config -> Service Account -> Network Service

    In Reporting Config -> Database -> Databasename -> ReportServer

    In Reporting COnfig -> Database -> Credential -> Windows Account

    In Report Manager -> Assign Roles -> System Admin (Note: Content manager is not listed)

    I am the admin on my machine. My login is listed in the dbo user profile for the DB.

    I have been battling for this (honestly) 15 hours. Please help!

  • Are you using SQL Server Security or Integrated Security?

    What happens if you log into the computer as local admin? If that works, its most likely a security issue in SQL Server (well, if you're using integrated security).

  • its most likely a security issue in SQL Server

  • I am using integrated security. I am logged on as the admin. I just noticed that if I try to preview a report in BIDS, I get an error message saying it can't connect to the data source. What do I need to do to get it to be able to connect to the data source? Where is that set?

  • when you attached the AW database what name did you give it? check the name of the db in SQL matches the name of the db the data source is trying to connect to

  • Hi Anthony, very good question. The error message says it cant find '/AdventureWorks2008'. But the name of the data source in BIDS is AdventureWorks, which matches the name of the DB as shown in SSMS. So where can I do look to find where it has the name 'AdventureWorks2008' listed?

  • go into the data source and what DB does it want to access? if it matches the name of the DB in SQL then there is something else at play, if they are different either change the DS or the DB

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