Updating a table with min and max values from a ch

  • Hi, I need help!!!

    Can someone help me. I want to update a parent table with a minimum and maximum date from a child table. Example, the parent table has x records. Each x record has child records in another table with a date. I want to run a piece of T-SQL to update the parent records with the min and max date found in any related child records. If no child records are found, I want to update the parent values with nulls. Any ideas.


  • try this:

    begin tran

    Update Parent

    Set ParentMaxDate = ISNull((Select Max(ChildDate) from Child where Child.FKParentID = Parent.ParentID),Null),

    ParentMinDate = ISNULL((Select Min(ChildDate) from Child where Child.FKParentID = Parent.ParentID),NULL)

  • This might work

    update p
    set p.mindate = x.mindate,
    p.maxdate = x.maxdate
    from parent p
    left outer join(SELECT keyid,min(date) as mindate, max(date) as maxdate
    from child grouped by keyid) x
    on x.keyid = p.keyid

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • David Burrows you are a star. It works perfectly. Not sure I really follow it but the main thing is it works. Thanks very much.

    Thanks to mcneased also. It wasn't quite right as it only returned one value whereas I wanted a value for every parent, but thanks for trying.

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