UPDATE Question


    I'm trying to update a table with the following:

    UPDATE clean SET clean.branchid = branches.branchid FROM clean WHERE clean.ppi = branches.ppi

    I tried it with an INNER JOIN but that also gave me the following error:

    syntax error(missing operator) in query expression 'branches.branchid FROM clean'


    If you have any ideas, I will gladly hear them. I'm sure it's just a stupid little mistake I made.


  • This worked for me...

    UPDATE clean

    SET clean.branchid = branches.branchid

    FROM clean

    INNER JOIN branches

    ON clean.ppi = branches.ppi

    Perhaps you were doing the WHERE instead of the ON?

  • Howdy,

    Thanks for the reply. I just tried it out and it gave me the missing operator error again. I'm working in access by the way. I'm sure that has something to do with it.



  • You're right that Access is probably making the difference.  I have Access 2003 on my machine (hardly ever use it, though), so I was able to set up a quick database and try a few things.  I managed to accomplish this by going into query, design view, and then changing the query type to Update Query.  I then put 'branchid' in Field, 'clean' in Table, and '[branches].[branchid]' in Update To.  Seemed to work pretty well.  I don't know if that functionality is in place for older versions of Access, but I would assume that much is pretty basic.

    It looks like the SQL it generated is as follows:

    UPDATE clean INNER JOIN branches ON branches.ppi = clean.ppi SET clean.branchid = [branches].[branchid];

    Apparently, Access puts the INNER JOIN before the SET.  Hope this helps!

  • w00T! It worked! Thanks a ton chief! I really appreciate that. I wonder why they changed the syntax order. I knew it had to be something like that.

    Thanks again,


  • The problem is the code highlighted in red... remove it and it will work fine.

    UPDATE clean

    SET clean.branchid = branches.branchid

    FROM clean

    INNER JOIN branches

    ON clean.ppi = branches.ppi

    Although the following works fine most of the time, it will slam CPU's into the wall if a certain type of parallelism is spawned due to data volume...

    UPDATE clean INNER JOIN branches ON branches.ppi = clean.ppi SET clean.branchid = [branches].[branchid];

    To avoid the potential slam, if you to a join in the FROM clause of an update in SQL Server, you MUST ensure that the target table is included in the FROM clause.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Resurrecting this thread from the dead because I have questions for you, Jeff.  It sounds like you're referring to a SQL Server solution here, but Ben was asking about Access.  Was your intended solution actually for Access?

    I went ahead and tried your statement without the clean. in my Access database and got the error:

    Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'branches.branchid FROM clean INNER JOIN branches ON clean.ppi = branches.ppi'.

    I think the problem is just that the JOIN syntax for Access is different than SQL Server T-SQL for whatever reason.  I haven't been able to find anything as to why there are such huge discrepancies.

    Just FYI, the solution that works in Access gets syntax errors in SQL Server, too.

  • The join syntax is different between Access and Sql server.

  • Heh... yeah... how silly of me to think it might have been an SQL Server question on an SQL Server forum... not enough coffee and I missed that... thanks, Julie.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
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