UPDATE From Another Table With CASE Statement

  • I would like to UPDATE a table (table_1) with values from another table (table_2).  Here is the logic:  table_2 has a column named Code which can contain one of three values, either 1, 2, or 3.  Depending on the value of Code, I would like to implement the following UPDATE statement (I'm sure it is wrong, but I would like something like the following pseudocode):

    UPDATE table_1

    CASE WHEN Code = 1 THEN

        SET StatusID = 3, 

        StatusDT = t2.BoxDT

        FROM table_1 AS t1 INNER JOIN

        table_2 AS t2 ON t1.BoxNum = t2.BoxNum

        WHERE t1.StatusID <> 3

    CASE WHEN Code = 2 THEN

        SET StatusID = 8, 

        StatusDT = t2.BoxDT

        FROM table_1 AS t1 INNER JOIN

        table_2 AS t2 ON t1.BoxNum = t2.BoxNum

        WHERE t1.StatusID <> 8

    CASE WHEN Code = 3 THEN

        SET StatusID = 13,

        StatusDT = t2.BoxDT

        FROM table_1 AS t1 INNER JOIN

        table_2 AS t2 ON t1.BoxNum = t2.BoxNum

        WHERE t1.StatusID <> 13


    Here is the table structures for the two tables:

    table_1              table_2

    table_1_ID  PK     table_2_ID  PK

    BoxNum              BoxNum

    StatusID    FK      Code

    Employee            BoxDT

    StatusDT             Flag

    Hopefully someone has done this in the past or can assist me with their expertise.  Thanks in advance for any help.

  • How about something like....


      SET T1.StatusID =

        CASE WHEN T2.Code = 1 THEN 3

             WHEN T2.Code = 2 THEN 8

             WHEN T2.Code = 3 THEN 13


    FROM table_1 T1

    INNER JOIN table_2 T2

      ON T1.BoxNum = T2.BoxNum

    -- Next part Optional to not update with same value

      AND T1.StatusID <>

        CASE WHEN T2.Code = 1 THEN 3

             WHEN T2.Code = 2 THEN 8

             WHEN T2.Code = 3 THEN 13



    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • I would create a @variableTable and then populate it using the Case statement.  Then update your table against the @variableTable.



    Here is an example:


    This example will screw up a couple of "address"(es) in your pubs.author table, but its harmless.


    declare @myVarTable table (au_id varchar(16), lname varchar(32), fname varchar(32), myResult varchar(32))

    INSERT INTO @myVarTable



     au_lname   ,

     au_fname ,


     CASE (state)

      WHEN 'KS' THEN 'thisIsKS'

      WHEN 'MD' THEN 'thisIsMD' 

      ELSE address

     END as resultOfMyCaseStatement

    --select *

    FROM         authors

    select * from @myVarTable

    UPDATE authors

       SET address = (select myResult

             FROM @myVarTable myt

                WHERE authors.au_id = myt.au_id)

       FROM authors, @myVarTable


    select address from authors

  • You also need to look closely how you're using your CASE statement.

    its useage/mentality is not exactly the same as VB or other languages.


     CASE (state)

      WHEN 'KS' THEN 'thisIsKS'

      WHEN 'MD' THEN 'thisIsMD' 

      ELSE address

     END as resultOfMyCaseStatement


    Notice your checking the VALUE of a field.

    And then your WHEN are based on the value of that field.

    And the result of the case statement is a New Column (resultOfMyCaseStatement)



    You had:

        CASE WHEN T2.Code = 1 THEN 3

             WHEN T2.Code = 2 THEN 8

             WHEN T2.Code = 3 THEN 13



    This is wrong I think.

    Case (T2.Code)

    When 2 Then 8

    When 3 Then 13

    Else 0 (or you can put a table.column here , its a little flexible)

    End AS MyResultingColumn


    Notice you get a column back.  This is why I like the @variabletable solution.

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