"Unexpected Nulls" error in querying ODBC datasource

  • Hi all -

    I have set up a linked server an ODBC driver for Novell eDirectory. The connection works, but if I make any query whose results contain any empty field, I get the error:

    Server: Msg 7342, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Unexpected NULL value returned for column '[MSDASQL].Given Name' from the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL'. This column cannot be NULL.

    OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: Unexpected NULL value returned for the column: ProviderName='MSDASQL', TableName='[MSDASQL]', ColumnName='Given Name'].

    I would expect just to get those nulls back for the empty fields, and I am not sure why it's complaining. Nulls are a valid type of thing to get back from a query.

    I am using Windows 2000 Server SP4, SQL Server 2000 SP4, Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC connected to Novell ODBC Driver for NDS.

    (See also my other failed attempt at this in the Administration forum, as "Using ADSI to query eDir via LDAP")

    Is there some setting for Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC to "make" it accept nulls as valid?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I have the same problem. I am not a SQL pro, in my case

    select *

    FROM OPENQUERY(EDIR, 'SELECT NDS_Name, "Login Disabled" FROM UserNDS ')


    Login Disabled apparenly has nulls not just true/false.

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