Two field DISTINCT combination

  • I am using SQL server 2000.

    I need a query to return a count of records with unique combinations of two fields, book and page.So I wrote the following query, but it will not let me print the book  field to see which book, the  page belongs to. Is there any other way of doing this ?

    select distinct( page )

    from tl10_land where book in (select distinct(book) from tl10_land)

    thanks in advance.

  • You may want to consider using the GROUP BY clause in your SELECT statement.  GROUP BY will group the data in groups as desired.  Look up the GROUP BY clause in "Books On Line" (BOL) for more information.

    select [page], [book], count(*)

    from tl10_land

    group by [page], [book]



  • I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do.  The query you have will return a list of unique [page] for all of the records since by definition all records meet the condition you give (look at it for five minutes and you will see what I mean).

    select page, book, count(*) as CountRecords

    from tl10_land

    group by page, book

    This gives a count of the records with the page book combination.

    I think what you want is:

    select distinct page, book

    from tl10_land tl

    where 1 = (select count(* ) from tl10_land tlsub where = and =

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • A section of my data will look like this:

    book  |  page    .........other fields

    1            2

    2            1

    2            3

    2             2

    1            1

    1           2

    3           1

    2           3

    You will notice that the combination 1 ,1 appears twice in the table .But I want this to be counted only once.

    Basically I need a count of all the unique pages in a book with the book, page and count output.

    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks for your responses.

  • just m 2ct:

    select  book, count(distinct page) as pagecount

    from tl10_land

    group by book



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