Trying to use a CASE statement to derive name of column for query

  • Hi there

    I have an sproc as follows:



    @ProdID int,

    @sequence int,

    @ModifiedBy int



    UPDATE RB_Products SET Sequence1 = @sequence, Amended_By=@ModifiedBy

    WHERE Prod_ID = @ProdID


    However, I may need to update other columns instead of Sequence1 - i.e I may need to update Sequence2 instead. This will depend on the value of a parameter passed into the SPROC (TypeId). I have never used a CASE statement before but thought the following may work but it doesn't so my syntax is obviously wrong. Could someone please let me know where I'm going wrong in this? My code is:



    @ProdID int,

    @sequence int,

    @ModifiedBy int,

    @TypeId int



    UPDATE RB_Products


    CASE @TypeId

    WHEN 1 THEN Sequence1

    WHEN 2 THEN Sequence2


    = @sequence,


    WHERE Prod_ID = @ProdID


    Many thanks


  • UPDATE needs to know which columns it is updating so the only way with static SQL is:

    UPDATE RB_Products

    SET Sequence1 =

    CASE @TypeId

    WHEN 1 THEN @sequence

    ELSE Sequence1


    ,Sequence2 =

    CASE @TypeId

    WHEN 2 THEN @sequence

    ELSE Sequence2


    ,Amended_By = @ModifiedBy

    WHERE Prod_ID = @ProdID

  • First, I would not use sequence numbering as columns (check rules for normalized tables). I would have a sequence column and a sequence_nbr column to distinquish between the various sequences and products.

    With the design change it is now possible to pass in a sequence_nbr along with the unique prod_id for update. I believe you want to update the sequence associated with a specifice prod_id and/or sequence number?

    Now you can specify the row you want to update by including the prod_id and sequence_nbr in the stored procedure. This is how to use a case statement with an update DML.


    declare @LINKS table(

    Prod_ID int,

    sequence int,

    sequence_nbr int,

    Modified_By varchar(25),

    Type_Id int


    declare @ProdID int,

    @sequence int,

    @sequence_nbr int,

    @ModifiedBy varchar(25),

    @TypeId int

    set @ProdID = 1

    set @sequence = 3434

    set @sequence_nbr = 1

    set @ModifiedBy = 'exf'

    set @TypeId = 3

    INSERT INTO @LINKS VALUES (1,2322,1,'jlc',3)

    INSERT INTO @LINKS VALUES (1,2322,2,'jlc',3)


    SET sequence = CASE WHEN @sequence_nbr = 1 THEN @Sequence

    WHEN @sequence_nbr = 2 THEN @Sequence END,


    WHERE Prod_ID = @ProdID

    AND sequence_nbr = @sequence_nbr


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